

昨年4月のオバマ大統領によるプラハでの「核兵器のない世界」に向けた演説や、9月の国連安全保障理事会の核兵器廃絶決議、今年4月の米国とロシアの新たな核軍縮条約の調印など、世界は今正に核兵器廃絶に向けて動き出しています。さらに、5月の NPT再検討会議では最終文書が採択され、核保有国を含む全ての加盟国が、核兵器廃絶に向け行動を開始することに合意しました。このような時代に生きる私たちは力を結集して核兵器廃絶に向け全力を尽くさなければなりません。







平成22年(2010年)8 月 2 日

広島市長  秋  葉  忠  利


Message from the Mayor

I would like to say a few words on the occasion of the International Peace & Culture Forum “New Approach for Peace.”

U.S. President Obama’s Prague speech last April, the UN Security Council’s resolution for the abolition of nuclear weapons last September, and the new START treaty concluded by the U.S. and Russia this past April are among many developments indicating that the drive to create a nuclear-weapon-free world has been set in motion.  Also, at the NPT Review Conference this past May, the Final Document was adopted and all the states party to the treaty, including the nuclear weapon states, agreed to start taking concrete steps to eliminate nuclear weapons.  Now is truly the time for us to concentrate all our efforts on ridding the world of these weapons.

The City of Hiroshima is currently working with the over 4,000 member cities of Mayors for Peace, their citizens, and peace-related NGOs around the world to realize our 2020 Vision.  We are determined to abolish nuclear weapons by 2020 because we wish to enter a world without nuclear weapons with as many hibakusha as possible.  Furthermore, if the current generation fails to eliminate nuclear weapons, we will have failed to fulfill our minimum responsibility to those that follow.

With the goal of 2020 in mind, we are working to grow the global groundswell for nuclear abolition and generate sufficient political will among governments to launch negotiations for a nuclear-weapon-free world.  The time has come to press hard for a Nuclear Weapons Convention or other legal framework, insisting on timeframes compatible with our 2020 Vision.

Here in the 21st century, cities and citizens have the power to solve world problems.  As seen in the anti-personnel landmine ban, liberation from poverty through the Grameen Bank, the prevention of global warming and other such movements, global democracy, which respects the majority will of the world and solves problems through the power of the people, has truly begun to grow.  In this context, your International Peace & Culture Forum and the wish for peace it symbolizes are of profound significance.  You are contributing to the growth of global democracy and the abolition of nuclear weapons, and I have the deepest respect for your commitment and endeavors.

Eliminating nuclear weapons will be one of humanity’s greatest achievements.  To celebrate this achievement, the City of Hiroshima is exploring the possibility of bidding for the 2020 Olympics, which we would make a festival of peace.  I sincerely hope that you will help us make our double dream—the Hiroshima Olympics in a nuclear weapon-free world—come true in the current decade.

In closing, I offer my best wishes for the success of the International Peace & Culture Forum and for the health and prosperity of all the participants.

August 2, 2010

Tadatoshi Akiba
The City of Hiroshima